When an accrediting organization certifies a company, practice or institution, it lends a certain legitimacy and validation to that particular entity. Companies don’t put themselves through the process just to make themselves feel better; there are many benefits to being certified. Recently, the Academy of General Dentistry certified TNT Dental through their Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE). TNT is now the only PACE-approved organization with an 18-year track record of helping dental practices grow. And, we are in a unique position to share this expertise with you.
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from The Tims
Looking for a change? Need more new patients? The Tims would love to share their 30+ years of combined insights, experience, and expertise.
TNT Dental Earns Academy of General Dentistry PACE Certification
Why Your Online Reputation Matters (and How to Handle Good and Bad Reviews)
Reputation management for dentists has greatly evolved over the past few decades. Where you once typically received feedback in the form of comment cards and word-of-mouth praise (and disdain) has now transformed into mass feedback in multiple public spaces, through the help of the internet.
Even if your practice doesn’t have a website (and if that’s the case, you need to give us a call at TNT Dental today!), your practice is online… and, people are talking about it. You have two choices: put your head in the sand and ignore it, or embrace the shift to digital and find out what you can do to stay active online, engage with the customer base and build a good reputation with your patients.
Learn to Love Long Scrolling Websites… or Get Left in the Past!
Once upon a time, websites that scrolled on and on were seen as a death knell for businesses’ online presence, including dental practices. People weren’t going to scroll for more information; if you didn’t have all your information “above the fold,” it was essentially lost in the internet ether.
Then came 2015 and the shift to mobile. As you know from our previous blog posts, including “Generating Patients for your Practice using a Custom Dental Website,” about 60 to 70% of your viewers are visiting your site from a mobile device. So, in order to stay relevant, web designers had to reconfigure the look and feel of websites. That shift took long scrolling sites from the losing column of web design over to the winning.
Users have become accustomed to scrolling with ease; it’s often easier to scroll and find what you’re looking for versus clicking on a page and waiting for it to load. Look at young kids today; hand them a smartphone or tablet, and they’ve got scrolling down pat!
Using Custom Dental Videos to Grow Your Practice

Dr. Jeff Yenzer (Yenzer Family Dental) & a patient undergoing a dental exam
Just take a minute and think about how many videos you watch each day. Don’t forget those scrolling videos in your Facebook timeline, the links to a YouTube page or the stories on either your favorite newscast or news station’s website. Is it five? Ten? Twenty, or more? Go ahead, don’t be ashamed, because you’re in good company. According to Forbes, a third of all the time people spend online is dedicated to watching videos.