So, you’re ready to grow your dental practice. You might think the key to success is increasing the number of new patients coming in your door…and you wouldn’t be wrong, but that’s only a piece of the success puzzle. If you remember from our “Are 165 New Dental Patients a Month Enough” blog article, we discussed the importance of the rate of return, which plays a part in The Four Phases of Dental Practice Growth. You see, there are several elements in play that get you to your overall goal of “Net New Patients™.” Let’s take a look at these phases and what it means to truly grow your practice.
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How to Grow Your Practice:
The Four Phases of Dental Practice Growth
The Importance of Google My Business to Your Dental Practice
It’s not enough to just have your current patients come to your dental practice time and time again. In order to keep growing, you need new dental patients, but you have to rely on more than word-of-mouth. You might be familiar with a little search engine called Google, but have you heard of Google My Business? This internet-based service for business owners powered by Google gives you more control over what users see when searching for a business name.