The foundation to growing your practice is a solid growth plan, but what is the backbone of the growth plan? There’s a lot more to it than just chance. If you’re ready to start looking at what makes a successful growth plan, then grab your calculator, because it’s time to start crunching the numbers.
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from The Tims
Looking for a change? Need more new patients? The Tims would love to share their 30+ years of combined insights, experience, and expertise.
Crunching the Numbers:
Eight Things to Measure to Grow Your Dental Practice
Community Outreach: A Powerful Tool to Achieve New Dental Patients
We discussed the power of paid marketing in our last post in the “Generating Patients for your Practice” blog series. We’ve covered how referrals, insurance, organic SEO, and a custom dental website can grab peoples’ attention.
Are you ready for the final step?
To conclude our series, we will be focusing on one last tool in your arsenal to maximize new patients: community outreach. If used correctly, this can be an effective way to get people in your door, and more importantly, solidify your business’ footprint within your town or city.
A dental practice is a small business in a community, and people naturally gravitate toward those that are focused on “doing good” and helping their community flourish. If you want to separate yourself from corporate dentistry, or any of your competitors for that matter — showing you care and getting involved goes a long way.
Utilizing Paid Marketing to Get More Dental Patients
Our last post in the “Generating Patients for Your Practice” series focused on the power of the internet search (organic SEO) in driving people to your website.
In this edition, we’re going to look at an aggressive method to market your dental practice. This technique is one of the more ‘flashy’ marketing tools… that’s right: we’re looking at getting more dental patients utilizing paid marketing.
It’s important to remember that paid marketing is only one of the many tools available to achieve new dental patients. While its impact can be rewarding and lasting, there are many variables to consider — and more importantly — effective and proven tracking tools must be in place to ensure you’re achieving a return on investment.
Getting More New Patients with Organic SEO for Dentists
In our last installment of the “Generating Patients for Your Practice” series, we looked at the importance of insurance… sexy, we know! Now, let’s turn our attention to organic SEO for dentists, also known as Search Engine Optimization – an essential tool to get more people to view your website.
Unless someone has your specific website address, they will have to search for you, and you must stand out to get their attention. Most importantly – without a proactive and consistent effort to better your SEO on popular search engines like Google, your practice will be virtually impossible to find on the internet!
Leveraging Dental Insurance to Get More Patients
In our latest blog post from our series, How to Get Dental Patient Referrals & Grow Your Practice, we discussed how to maximize the patient experience and increase your dental patient referrals.
After you have honed your referral marketing tactics, you need to turn your attention to dental insurance: the next best way to increase your website traffic. Dental insurance is more important to patients now than it ever has been, and ensuring your office policies are clear, concise and easy-to-understand is very important. Maximizing the growth of your dental practice depends on it!
How to Get Dental Patient Referrals & Grow Your Practice
In our last blog post, Generating Patients for Your Practice using a Custom Dental Website, we focused on the importance of customizing your website to attract new patients. Now, we will discuss tangible ways to maximize your patient experience, which will directly impact your dental patient referrals.
What good is a customized website if people aren’t looking at it? Over the next few posts, we will examine all the ways you can drive traffic to your custom dental website. The first step to accomplish this goal is through patient referrals.
Generating Patients for Your Practice using a Custom Dental Website
As we discussed in our previous post, How to Generate More New Patients for Your Dental Practice, there are several keys to attracting new dental patients. Here, we will begin to dig deeper into each section and find out how you can get more people in the door!
The foundation of enticing new patients is through a custom dental website. Does your website work for you? Is it unique and different from your competitors? Does it effectively tell your story in a way that is not only compelling, but attracts the kind of patients you want to see and build your practice on? If your website is telling the wrong story, it’s time to start exploring ways to change that now.
How to Generate More New Patients for Your Dental Practice

You run a dental practice, and you’ve got a steady stream of dedicated patients. But, the last piece of the puzzle is missing. You wonder how you can get more new patients in the door and to become a part of your family… how exactly that can be achieved is easier said than done. As Bob Dylan said, “The times they are a-changin’,” and that rings true for how you market your practice to be more appealing to new patients.In this post, we’ll share our secrets to success, to help you attract those new patients, and then follow it up with a series of posts, delving into each area a bit more. By the time it’s said and done, you’ll be armed with the tools you’ll need to succeed!
Production Manager & Creative Director Spotlight (and How to Create an Awesome Dental Website)

Alex Calams
Production Manager & Creative Director
You’ve heard us talk repeatedly about the importance of a good, customized website for your dental practice. Creating a successful website that operates as a true conversion platform for you doesn’t happen overnight; it requires the work of a dedicated team to execute this for you.
This process begins under the guidance of TNT Dental’s Production Manager and Creative Director, Alex Calams. He doesn’t enter into this process lightly; there is a lot of work that has to happen in order to elevate a client’s website and take it to the next level.
Read on to learn more about Alex, his process, and how he utilizes a team of talented project managers, graphic designers, professional copywriters, website developers, and quality control specialists to create the best custom dental websites in the business of dentistry.